Formitize CRM

Lesson 5.3 Lesson 5.5

5.4 Jobs Module

Jobs Module

The Jobs Module tracks the list and status of all Jobs

Search and View all Jobs based on Status
View Name, Location, Job Number, Priority, Order Number, Due Date, Assigned and Status on one page
Click through to view full individual job details.
Create New Jobs directly from the page
Save time using Job Types to automatically populate all related information
Create customised, automated reminders using Email, SMS or Letter to trigger at different times for each job type

Job Type Automation

Save time creating Job Type templated for different types of jobs
The Job Type templates include the following settings:

  1. Job Details - the basic job settings
  2. Title
    Color (for Scheduler Presentation)
    Jobs Forms to be included
    Safety First Forms to be included
    Groups allowed to be assigned the Job

  3. Job Updates - communications to trigger as the job changes status
  4. Automated Updates by Email, SMS, Letter or Task Creation
    Updated based on Job Created, Assigned, Accepted, Completed, Overdue
    Create one or more updates based on each status change.

  5. Job Reminders - creating one or more reminders (both internal and external) around the job.
  6. Automated Reminders created before or after a job is created or completed
    Reminder send options by Email, SMS, Letter or Task Creation

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